we're a community

An ocean rising up and changing the narrative

Welcome friend! If you're lost in the chaos of motherhood, if you've lost your joy and if you're tired of the "me" centric world we live in and just don't really fit in anywhere, then you're in the right space. Being a Christian SAHM in today's culture is anything but easy. Today's SAHM's are being told to prioritize themselves. And society has made serving your family a chore not a blessing.

As a Christian women we scroll social media and we see the beautiful lives of influencers everywhere and think "If only I..." But I'm here to help you identify the lies of the enemy take back your joy, help you walk in the purpose God has for you and balance your life in the process. Together we are an ocean rising up and changing the narrative.

Embracing motherhood is a journey like no other, and for Christian stay-at-home moms, it provides a unique opportunity to nurture faith within our homes. Reading can be a source of encouragement, a guide for character development, and a means to deepening spiritual roots.

Finding a Bible that aligns with the unique experiences of motherhood can offer encouragement and fortify faith. To aid you on your spiritual path, here is my curated list of the top 5 Bibles specifically suited for Christian mothers devoted to their role at home.

Balancing the roles of motherhood and faith-filled living can be a rewarding yet challenging journey. For Christian stay-at-home moms, every day is a delicate dance between nurturing family and nurturing your relationship with God.

Hey Mama!

I'm Rebecca

Jesus follower, wife, homeschool mama, coach, coffee lover. My beautiful family and I live on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon. I am no stranger to struggle and have overcome so much in life, and I am grateful to have an opportunity to share with you what I have learned through it all. You know what sets my soul on fire? Helping other mamas walk in their purpose. Seeing them take hold of the power they have in Christ and kicking the enemy to the curb. All while they walk in joy and balance their lives. You landed on this page for a reason, and I am so glad you’re here.

Daily Challenge - 3 Weeks to Thriving as a Stay-at-Home Mom

This challenge is designed to help you go from merely just surviving the day-to-day to actually thriving in it. Motherhood is a chaotic journey, and this challenge is designed to help you find a little balance in the chaos.